
politics sux

I'm no expert on the inner workings of the political system here or elsewhere. Representative government has some serious problems in my opinion but there is one problem so huge that it will sink us all....

No politician who understands what needs to be done to save the planet will be voted into (or allowed to remain in) a position of power.

Any candidate who states that growth will end, employment reduced, materialism re-assessed and so forth will not be voted into office. Those in office expressing such views will be removed on or before the next election.

Voters prefer candidates who present an optimistic fantasy over those who see and speak the truth. It is my observation that people generally vote for short term personal gain. We need long term selflessness to survive this mess.

A revolution will not fix this because the wrong thinking runs through all levels of society.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday 28 of March, 2009 08:09:45 GMT-0000 by eddie.

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