Soaring stuff.


My old gliding page is here



Thermaling near the airflield today in our LS1 (VH-GWR) - as one does on crappy days - I pulled out my camera and took a little video. The clip is in my file-gallery in two resolutions.


wr1sml.mpg 9.13 meg
wr1.mpg 24.58 meg

And a few weeks later a clip from my new canon a650-is
wr2sml.mpg 19.61 Mb

Image Our newest syndicate member Andres strapped in for his first flight in WR

A clip of Andres landing followed by Peter launching in a discus-2.
mar16sml.mpg 25.82 Mb
The Discus-2 is worth about five times as much as WR.

Image Your's truly launching on yet another crappy day


This was an amazing day considering the time of year. We had eight single seaters flying cross-country and some landing around sunset. That isn't uncommon for summer but it is for mid autumn.
Our tail-skip was ripped of on a landing last week (not mine) and had to be re-attached before I could fly.

Image Andres prepares the tail for a skid repair

I didn't feel like a long flight and landed after a couple of hours. No-one was around to help me put WR away but some ants go busy cleaning the bugs off for me.

Image I has a little help cleaning the smashed bugs off the wing after a cross-country flight


Last weekend was another good weekend considering the season. Yesterday I climbed to 10,000 feet QNH and cloud base was still a little higher. The wind was fairly strong up there, possibly around 40 knots.
It is also cold up there but hot on the ground. I was barefoot and just in shorts and t-shirt.
Above 8000' the canopy kept fogging up unless I left the vent open.
A cold airmass has moved in so it may be a while before we have good soaring weather again.


I downloaded a free program to retrieve the way points and track log from my GPS.
It is a little rough but very good value for the price. Their commercial versions look reasonably prices but I don't know they really do much that I want.
Anyway here are a couple of images from last Sunday's flight.


This shows the entire flight (over two hours) with the northern turn point at Clifton.
You can see the wind drift producing a cycloid pattern when I thermal. The wind is NW and my high point was at the end of the thermal spiral/cycloid SE of Alora.
I just cruised around after that to loose hight.


This a closeup of area near the airfield. The "18" is the launch point. We started on the grass strip on the right and I was towed west. At the end of the straight tow I release into a thermal and circled while drifting SE.

After using two thermal I headed north towards Clifton.

The track leaving at the far left was two hour later when I was letting down.

To the south of the field are lazy arcs where I'm just using up height. I then joined circuit downwind to the right and landed on the centre strip and stopping at the taxiway.

Quite a few gliding photos are in my flight gallery


Created by eddie. Last Modification: Thursday 06 of August, 2009 02:59:21 GMT-0000 by admin.

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